Guppy colour learning project site GitHub Analysis 2 Analysis 1 Protocols Home

Welcome to the project site for the experiments described in the manuscript Toure, M. W., & Reader, S. M. (2021). Colour biases in learned foraging preferences in Trinidadian guppies. Ethology, 00, 1-12. This site contains the code, model outputs, data tables, and residual diagnostics for the analyses in the manuscript as well as detailed protocols and sample videos for the experiment. The Rmarkdown scripts to reconstruct this site are available at the GitHub repository for this site. If you would like to reproduce the results in the manuscript please consult the How to Reproduce the Results section of the README. The data and R scripts to produce all analyses, figures, and residual diagnostic plots are permanently archived at FigShare (DOI:

The goal of this project was to determine whether we could shift the preference for particular objects in Trinidadian guppies regardless of the object’s colour, in this case we focused on green and blue. To address this we performed two experiments where we rewarded guppies for feeding from either green or blue Lego blocks, you can see the detailed protocol involved in performing this experiment as well as example footage of this in the Protocols section. The analysis and the code for the two experiments underlying this project can be found in the sections Analysis 1 for experiment 1 and Analysis 2 for experiment 2.