This page contains detailed protocols for the experiments in ‘Colour biases in learned foraging preferences in Trinidadian guppies’. We provide step by step instructions on how to perform the training, testing, and behavioural quantification described in the manuscript. If you would like to see details on housing and husbandry conditions during the experiment please refer to section 2 of the manuscript.
For this project, we wanted to determine whether object preferences were plastic for both green and blue objects in Trinidadian guppies. Given these colours differ in their foraging relevancy for guppies we wanted to determine whether the shift in preference would be unconstrained. Our protocol aimed to manipulate object preferences for the green and blue objects (Figure 2) of individual guppies by manipulating their foraging experiences with these objects. This was done by providing food reinforcement for approaching one of the two colours.
On the first trial, guppies were placed in the test tank with two objects, one blue and one green, but with empty food strips to measure initial preferences. Training then occurred once daily between 10h00 to 16h00 for 20 days constituting 20 trials. During training, the location of the rewarding object (left or right) was randomized across days and individuals. That is, only the object’s appearance provided a reliable cue to food location. On the 21st day, an unreinforced test was given where new duplicates of the objects were presented with empty plastic strips attached to them. In both experiments this unreinforced trial (Trial 21, Probe 1) was used to assess whether learning had occurred. At this point, experiment 1 ended. In experiment 2 an additional four test trials were conducted to see how robust learning was in both groups across different contexts.
Figure 1: An experimental timeline representing the order of the trials. Experiment 1 ends at trial 21. Experiment 2 ends at trial 29.
In the video below we provide sample footage of the behavioural assays conducted during the experiments. The footage below is of a green-trained guppy throughout experiment 2 and demonstrates the types of trials guppies were exposed to in this project (see Figure 2 for details on trials).
For the initial test and final tests guppies were presented with the green and blue objects with empty food strips attached to them. You can see an example of this from experiment 1 below.